

The Symbian Exchange & Exposition 2010 in Amsterdam is Only Two Weeks Away

| October 27, 2010 | Reply

Received this email from Cathy McDonald about the upcoming Symbian Exchange and Exposition which I thought I should share:

The countdown is on to the Symbian Exchange & Exposition 2010 (SEE 2010), which is now just two weeks away on the 9th and 10th of November in Amsterdam. Far from the traditional tradeshow, SEE is a place for the global community to come together and be inspired. This is the only event dedicated to bringing the Symbian world to life and covering the hottest topics around the world’s leading smartphone platform.

The event is free to attend and will be held at Beurs van Berlage, a building at the heart of Amsterdam’s business district and originally designed as a commodities exchange—a place custom built to facilitate the sharing of goods, information and ideas. Symbian is embracing that heritage and hopes attendees engage, exchange and explore the opportunities that being part of the ecosystem offers.

“The purpose of this show is truly to bring the community together. With track sessions, hands-on labs, demos and more, SEE 2010 will provide valuable insights on how to optimize involvement and maximize benefits from being part of the Symbian ecosystem,” said Tim Holbrow, Executive Director of Symbian. “We are very excited that this special event is almost here and look forward to seeing everyone in Amsterdam.”

Whether a person contributes to the platform or creates applications, there is something for them to learn from the experts that have come from around the world to be part of this event. The full agenda is now available at

Also at SEE 2010 will be an Experience Zone where attendees can play with the latest Symbian-based devices and hottest applications, connect with the community to hear more about ongoing initiatives and check out the Symbian World area for some fun and games.

To honor the efforts of the Symbian ecosystem over the past year, there will be a party on the first night at the Heineken Brewery, where free food and drinks will be provided to all SEE attendees.

To learn more about SEE 2010 visit the site at or to register, fill out the form at


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