

Video: Nokia Promos – What is Clear Black Display (CBD?) Wouldn't you want blacker blacks, whiter whites, brighter colours and better battery life?

| December 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

Clear Black Display was possibly the most surprising thing that came out of Nokia World. Yes there was the E7 itself but we kinda knew about that already. CBD was immediately shown by Engadget themselves to have the edge over SUPER AMOLED in 3GS and IPS LD in iPhone 4. Most recently, GSM Arena has shown that it reproduces the best colours, best contrast and better sunlight readability than 3GS. And they aren’t the only independent folk saying so (and you really can’t get better props than GSM Arena and a Nokia Hater. Well maybe some praise from Gizmodo :p)

To go with the CBD article from Nokia Conversations several weeks back is this video just demonstrating essentially what CBD is about.

So now we’ve got the best camera, the best browser in Maemo 5, one of if not the best display. Now I just want this in one device.


Clear Black Display isn’t the screen itself, it’s essentially the polarizing filter that produces better contrast and better sunlight readability.C7 doesn’t have CBD but it also has similar polarizing filter.

“ClearBlack display isn’t a completely new type of display technology like AMOLED. It’s actually a method to reduce reflections on the screen and improve visual image quality, especially outdoors. ClearBlack ensures that the blacks you see really are just that – black – which in turn enhances the contrast of the display and makes the whole screen much easier to see. This will be especially useful for apps like Ovi Maps, which are likely to be used outside. Also, sharing pictures or other items on-screen with others will be a lot easier due to the technology that enables excellent viewing angles.

The effect of the ClearBlack display technology is similar to that produced by a pair of polarising sunglasses. If you look at a body of water on a sunny day without a pair of polarising glasses, it’s really hard to see anything below the surface, but with the glasses on, the reflections are eliminated and you can see underneath the surface. In the same way, without ClearBlack display, you see the reflections on the phone’s screen, but with it you see the image on the screen. However, unlike sunglasses, ClearBlack display improves the vividness of the colors: in fact, because the contrast is higher, they’ll seem more vivid.

Effectively, with ClearBlack display your device is able to provide a high quality image in any type of situation, indoors, outdoors, low-light and bright-light. ClearBlack display adjusts the brightness automatically to optimum level depending on the conditions you are in”

There’s also the plus in battery saving as you don’t need to turn up the brightness so much

Check out this comparison photo with a prototype C6-01 without CBD on the right and WITH CBD on the left. blacks you see really are just that — black — which in turn enhances the contrast of the display and makes the whole screen much easier to see.


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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