

Reader post: Nokia N8 DIY Camera Stand

| January 4, 2011 | 0 Comments

We received this email to our address (woohoo it’s partially working! – we don’t know if it’s being sent to everyone yet)

One of our readers, Ali Abdulla has a D.I.Y. Tripod stand for the N8. Heavens knows why Nokia hasn’t released an official mount yet. I’m still using the old DT-22 vice grip designed for the N93! Prior to that stand however, I did make my own tripod mount before for the N95 using a spare 1/4″ screw bit from an old camera, epoxy plastic, 3.5mm jack and grippy rubber. (see this old forum post of mine) This was attached to my very first gorillapod. It was fun making stuff!

Not the most elegant of solutions but it got the job done! Plus it was much a step up from my earlier last minute stands using the whole wire leads (with 3.5mm jack sticking into N95 to keep it stable and then wires wrapping to attach to the tripod itself :p

Anyway, here’s Ali’s post:

hey,  i was free the other day, and made this tripod(i’ve seen the idea b4),
You will need:
  • a plastic cassette cover
  • a cheap basic camera tripod
  • metal ironer
  • a rubber band when u use it as a “camera” tripod
the reason for this, is i couldnt find a mobile tripod in the 3 countries that i live at..(Egypt, jordan, Yemen).. and this is cheaper too 😀
Bascially you take the upper part of the cassete, and melt out the sides, and make a “2 inch hole” for the camera,  i only had one cassete,  and i carved the hole on the WRONG side :D, the hole should be on the left, .. so i basically took out the whole center 😀
-can be used as a camera tripod:
-Media player, mini tv :
-you can connect it to a usb/bluetooth kb, and/or usb/bluetooth mouse, and chat/browse
finally if you thing the whole tripod thing is too much of a hassle, then you can use the “bottom” side of the cassete as a kickstand 😀
Thanks 🙂
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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]