

Nokia N97 Form Factor relived in Asus Eee Pad Slider – MeeGo Version Please!?

| January 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

A slew of tablets are to be announced at CES. One of ASUS’ tablets is called the EEE Pad slider. Some have said this is NOT a new form factor but has been seen in the HTC Touch Pro 2/HTC Shift.

It’s more like what we’ve seen on the Nokia N97/N97 mini/E7 no and possibly the HTC Desire Z which is a poor copy of the N97 snappy hinge but does not tilt, just lays flat (HELLO I flop open when upside down). HTC’s slider have a slide+reverse tilt action whilst Nokia’s, and now this tablet slider from ASUS just tilt up (with Nokia giving that flick snap action) with a double kickstand-esque appearance.

ASUS’ tablets are Honeycomb Android 3.0 powered. But ASUS are also known to be making MeeGo tablets. Would be nice to have one in this form factor. That or the other ASUS transformer with 8+ hour extra battery life on top of the 8hours when docked to the keyboard.

from NokiaExperts


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Category: MeeGo, Nokia

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