

Must Have App of the Year Awards 2010 Winners Revealed! N8’s to be won

| January 6, 2011 | 5 Replies

Before Christmas we got the chance to vote for our favourite must have app of the year in no less than 6 individual categories:

Your votes have been tallied up and the winners have been chosen!

I’ve included the other nominees as well as a description of the winning app from Ovi Daily App blog and some demonstration videos if I can find them:

Remember, if the ones you voted for were all the winners, you had a chance to win a Nokia N8.

Stay tuned to

And now – the winners!

  1. GAME
    1. Bounce Boing Battle
    2. Crazy Hamster
    3. Doodle Jump<<
      • This highly addictive, bouncy game has a simple premise, but don’t be fooled. As we noted in our original review of the game last Spring, “The game plays beautifully on Nokia’s S60 5.0 devices … where you can use the built-in accelerometer to gently tilt your device back and forth to make the Doodler move to the left and right.” How high can you jump? Doodle Jump is available at the reduced price of $0.99 (USD) in Ovi Store. – Ovi Daily App

    4. Farm Frenzy
    5. Horse Face
    1. Socially
    2. Snaptu
    3. Foursquare
    4. WordPress
    5. Gravity
      • This feature-rich (there are too many to list here) Twitter app from developer Jan Ole Suhr never ceases to amaze anyone that uses it. It is easy to use, looks cool, and the user interface is very slick. Gravity is available for $9.99 (USD) in Ovi Store; and there is a free, 10-day trial version available, too.
  3. MUSIC
    1. Midomi Sound Hound
    2. TuneWiki Lyrics + Music
    3. MoodAgent Playlist DJ
    4. Rompler Remix
    5. Shazam
      • This free app in Ovi Store identifies popular songs heard by your Nokia device, no matter where the music is coming from. As our reviewer noted a few months back: “What I found amazing about Shazam is how hard it is to stump. Give this app a contemporary pop song, and its database of more than 8 million songs is able and willing.
    1. Blog Radio
    2. JoikuSpot WiFi Hotspot
      • With this app installed, you can quickly turn your Nokia mobile device into a WiFi hotspot. And that’s the true power of this simple app: “anywhere you can get a mobile phone connection, you have a WiFi hotspot.” The premium version is available for $9.99 (USD) in Ovi Store; and there is a lite version for free trial
    3. Fring
    4. Edmondo Sports Tracker
    5. Wikitude World Browser
    1. Mobile Documents
      • As we noted in our review this past August, “Mobile Documents gives you quick access to your e-mail attachments via streamed access. It also lets you preview, zoom, navigate and pan those attachments — and forward them to others — all without downloading.” The app is free to download from Ovi Store
    2. TripSketch Green Traveller
    3. Waze GPS Navigation
    4. HRS Hotel Portal
    5. Open Table
    1. Comics Creator
    2. Touch Note
      • This free app in Ovi Store makes it possible for you to turn the photos on your Nokia device into real, printed photo cards that can be mailed to anyone in the world. As we wrote this past summer: “Touchnote takes the high-quality images you can produce with your Nokia touch-enabled device out of its gallery, and into the real world where you can truly share the pictures – and the memories – with the people that you care about the most. And it does all of this in three quick steps.”
    3. My Magic Pencil
    4. NHL GameCenter
    5. Dilbert Mobile

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Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian, Video

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]