

Video: Musician and his guitar take on the Nokia Loop App

| January 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

The Nokia Loop App that’s free for the N8 and C7 isn’t just for recording odd random sounds to pool into a track, you can also make actual music with actual instruments! (Yeah, let’s not get into the debate of what music is, you know what I mean :p)

chrismcrowe has taken his N8, downloaded the app from the Ovi Store and played along with his guitar. It’s just him, his N8 and the loop app producing this music. Being of Nseries grade, the sound recording is of course fantastic, and Chris says “I was amazed at the sound quality I got with it”

Using a cool application for my Nokia N8 called “Loop”. You can play in an 8 bar melody then it will loop it allowing you to play over the top, similar to the Boss Loopstation on my other video. I managed to use my foot to press the loop button, and use the mixer to delete tracks and play new ones. It’s a really cool application and I was amazed at the sound quality I got with it. I used a zoom acoustic pedal to put reverb on, and the phone itself to record it.

Check out this post on how to use Nokia Loop

I’d love to see more stuff like this in action. Hear even. Have you played around with the Nokia Loop App yet?


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Category: Applications, Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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