

NewsFlow, Qt Quick QML Google Reader client, on Nokia N8 (For S^3, Maemo and MeeGo)

| January 26, 2011 | 18 Replies

Creator of TwimGo, Tommi Laukkanen, has been really impressed with the latest Qt SDK 1.1 Technical Preview. With Qt SDK 1.1 he’s been working on a pretty slick looking version of TwimGo (I can’t wait for it!).

Now with the recent release of the push enabled Nokia Reader, Tommi’s been inspired to make his own simple Google Reader with Qt Quick, QML. It’s very clean, with some welcome transitions for forward/back stories as well as for selecting a story, supports kinetic scrolling, images and there’s a slide up menu that appears when pressing an arrow.

Application uses pure QML and JavaScript to access Google Reader API and displaying items. No custom C++ was written for the app. Application runs nicely on my Nokia N8 and N900. See how it runs on N8:

Tommi says this runs on Symbian^3, Maemo and upcoming MeeGo devices.

Cheers to JFH for the tip to

Tommi Laukkanen


Category: Nokia

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