

Video: Qt Paper Toss “Throw It” game demoed on Nokia N8

| February 1, 2011 | 9 Replies

There’s something quite awesome about throwing an object into the trash bin from a great distance. Under arm, over arm, ricochet, curve or straight line sniper throw.

Now, none of those are actually implemented in this game, “Throw it”. BUT, you do have to account for the random electric fan (thus wind speed/direction) that keeps putting your paper ball out of place. It’s pretty much Paper Toss on iOS (Though has room to throw other things based on the name – if future levels grant it)

The menu looks really slick. I don’t know about you, but this is the kind of eye candy I’m after. It looks “modern” how the menu buttons arrive shortly just one after another and does that wobble effect (as opposed to just a new window appearing or even a whole window sliding effect).

This game is NOT on Ovi Store, I don’t know if it will ever come to the Ovi Store. Camb078 from says you can get it from a web search.

Camb078 via Daily Mobile

Category: Applications, Games, Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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