

Win a trip to New York for the Shorty Awards with WOMWorldNokia #WWNHelpHero

| February 21, 2011 | 0 Comments


WOMWorldNokia are running a competition – the prize is an all expenses paid trip to NEW YORK!  This is a community based competition where YOU decide who will win.

What’s the criteria? You just have to vote who do you think is the most helpful member of the community – and why. You’ll need to sign up to twitter with the hashtag #WWNHelpHero.

A short list will be compiled based on the best reasons for nominations, and then it will go to a public vote.


Above all else, there’s two things we know about this little corner of the tech community:

1) You are generous-with-your-time, helpful types
2) You LOVE a competition (BTW Remember, the Search for E7 competition where you can win a Nokia E7 every day this week!)

So what we’ve got here might just work for you.

WOMWorld/Nokia is going along to the Nokia-sponsored Shorty Awards in New York, an award ceremony honouring the best use of Twitter and social media. Excitingly, we have an expenses paid trip up for grabs for one of you guys or gals to come along with us!

We’ve decided we want to give this to the most helpful member of the WOMWorld/Nokia community. And to establish who that is, we need… err… help!


So, we’d like you to nominate WHO you think is the most helpful member of the community, and, WHY. To do this, just Tweet us your answer with the hashtag #WWNHelpHero

We will then compile a shortlist of the finest ‘Help Heros’ based on the best reasons from the nominations, and will then put them up for a public vote. The Help Hero with the most votes will win the trip to New York for the Shorty awards!

So it’s time to think…

  • Who gave you that amazing N8 camera tip which has since turned you into the world’s best mobile photographer?
  • Or who is always on hand to divulge which are the best new Ovi apps and games?
  • Or which connector type person has helped you meet 100s of amazing community peeps?
  • These are all valid reasons, but we’re certain there are 1000s more – and we want to hear them!

So.. the floor is yours. Tweet us your #WWNHelpHero NOW :)


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Category: Competition, Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]