

Videos: Nokia’s Three Year Ecosystem Vision from MWC (New Symbian UI, “Magnificent”) MeeGo N950 to ship this year

| February 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Here’s the Nokia Developer Day keynote titled, “Nokia’s Three Year Ecosystem Vision”from MWC with Nokia’s CTO Rich Green (ex Sun Software boss), some guests and other members of the Nokia team. It’s roughly 50 minutes over four videos. I’ve copied some slides down from first two vids but note, Rich mentions more around those slides.

Nokia’s Four “Simple” rules guiding mobile developers:

  1. A large, highly engaged customer base – you need mass….without it it’s just not that interesting; more people smiling at the engineer’s work, the better
  2. Some great tools
  3. Application delivery through a store
  4. multiple paths to monetize apps

The long term strategy:From developer perspective, from 2012 onwards in volume perspective that’s the smartphone platform

Symbian Continues to evolve – operating systems DON’T GO AWAY. They just don’t We do not have a planned date for obsolescence. What we do have a plan focusing on Windows Phone. Hmm what happens after 3 years though? Is that the next disruption? MeeGo 3.0? :p

There’s a new interface that Rich has been “waiting and waiting for and it’s there”. Really now? Is it really that good? “I’ve seen it and it’s magnificent”

Lot’s of investments in Qt, QML – take home message – “Not nearly dead”. 150M more new devices….”225+M devices as fodder for your apps is hardly a near death experience”. hmm..

On MeeGo. To ship this year. The back story. Successor to N900…N950 to ship this year

Components of MeeGo will make the next disruptive work.

On Qt QML “We bet the company on this some months ago”. Seem to like gambling.

On S40 – Nokia doubling down on S40. More than 600M devices out there. Bring the web to the next billion.

Apps for Next Billion

And finally

Nokia CTO Rich Green says he’s NOT a merketing guy. He’s not paid to “Rah, Rah” i.e. be excited about Nokia stuff. If he’s excited, he does it. BTW, as he noted in his last video about his “iThing” He OWNS an iPhone (said he put it in his bag, haven’t powered it up in 2 months and he “lives on this”). I wonder how many Nokia executives use Non Nokia products.


PART 3 – The Windows Phone Guy,

What happens with Ovi Store? (I thought Nokia said this will live on as a store front on MSMarketplace?) MS will have a special Windows Market place for Nokia Phones. Looking forward with Nokia to define what that looks like.



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Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone

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