

Symbian not dead – amazing stuff coming from Nokia says Product Manager, Three

| February 27, 2011 | 58 Replies

Arts has tipped us of a very intriguing find by Dan Carter from WorldOfNokia.

@wildlime aka Brendan Arndt is a Product Manager of Three, a network in the UK who looks after LG, Apple and Nokia stuff. He tweeted on Wednesday,

‘Today I got to see some amazing stuff from #Nokia #Symbian  is not dead. Just wait till yoou see what’s coming :P’

Dan says Brendan is a legit guy:

‘After reading that tweet and after following Brendan for a while and knowing what his tweets are like every Symbian fan should sit up and take notice.’

What do you reckon Nokia’s done with Symbian? Some exciting hardware and polished software perhaps?
via  WorldOfNokia


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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