

Video: Windows Phone Advertising Campaigns and stats

| February 27, 2011 | 9 Replies

Zane sent this video in (below) showing us the Windows Phone Advertising campaign and stats. The very first thing you see is an advert about how Windows Phone is different. It gets things done so that you get back to real life. How many times have you walked across the street glazed onto your phone screen? Have you tripped over or nearly walked into a lampost because of your smartphone? What about when you’re having a conversation with a person just in front of you – do they get all your attention?

I should have remembered this advert back when Marko Ahtisaari (in that video I kept referring to where he hinted in early December of Windows Phone on a Nokia, not directly of course but he didn’t deny it like Android and he said it was different, something Nokia could add value to). Now this should have clicked when he said, something along the lines of,

“Need to bring people’s head back up, maintain eye contact with better one handed use, better ways to use devices without them commanding our full attention”

That’s what the Windows Phone advert was about. “Designed to get you in…and out and back to life”. Though one could perceive this as other phones are so popular, you can’t get enough and well, Windows Phone, you just don’t want to use. I’m liking it so far. The change in UI really makes a big difference. Side by side, comparing it, the N8 can open stuff at the same speed (at times faster), but the transitions in WP blind you from that and it doesn’t seem like it’s there. It actually surprised me that emails opened just as quick with N8 but those flippy tiles partly distract you. This is something that’s been talked about ever since iPhone came on board.

The video give some stats which question your logic given the supposed SHIPPING of just 2m (corrected in the video to 1.5m). Though it is just early days, with handsets just being available in October. How long did it take for Android to get similar traction? And back then the market was not as aggressive.

  • Phone sold out in UK in one week (did they just not have enough stock to begin with?)
  • Over all awareness increased 70%
  • 1.5 Million units were shipped world wide (context, that’s around how many Nokia sells of all their phones in a day). Imagine what Windows Phone can and WILL do with Nokia’s backing?
  • “Microsoft, whilst still far behind the popularity of iPhone, is certainly back in the conversation”.

via NokiaEcosystem



Category: Symbian, Windows Phone

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