What’s the oldest Nokia phone that you own?

Such a rich history and this doesn't even include the later models. Such a range in design and colour.
When my mates wanted to see my new phone they thought it was the N8. A Nokia? With that Camera? And a touch screen?? They just did bricks no? Noooo.
We got onto the discussion of their first phones….and the oldest phones that they still have. All turned out to be Nokias.
What’s the oldest Nokia phone you own? i.e. one that is still with you. I’ve got a 3210 in Wales but oldest with me in Manchester is my Nokia N95.
There’s an image chart above that we’ve seen before (though I cannot recall the source/image…and it’s too blurry to tell who it was made by – my googlefu isn’t working.
So….What’s the oldest Nokia phone that you own? What did/do you like about it?
Category: Nokia
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