

US talkshow host Conan O’Brien remixes Nokia Tune with Lyrics for Finland

| March 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

Conan O’Brien – a huge American TV Host/Comedian has a portion of his show dedicated to Finland and their biggest export – Nokia. He celebrates the fact that his show can now be viewed in Finland (impossible previously apparently) and has created a tribute to Finland and Nokia by remixing the Nokia tune with Lyrics. To honour Finland’s greatest product, “The Nokeeeya cell phone” (ha, like it’s one product)….

“Hello Finland, Finland’s Awesome, Finland rocks my soul

You drink vodka, like it’s water, and you fish in holes

You eat raindeer, dude that’s hardcore, pass the Rudolf please!

You love hockey, you’re a representative democracy ruled by a 200 member unicameral parliament called the Eduskunta, and your asses freeze!”


Category: Nokia, Video

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