

Video: A Look at the Intel AppUp SDK Suite 1.2 for MeeGo

| March 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Even though Nokia has pushed MeeGo to the nether regions of their minds, MeeGo is still going full force at Intel. The other major partner/founder of MeeGo which Linux Chief Jim Zemlin heralded as future of computing.

Joe Wold gives us a demo of the Intel AppUp (Ovi Store equivalent for ALL intel apps) SDK Suite 1.2 for MeeGo.

There you can get MeeGo SDK, App Up SDK, tools needed all in one place:

Joe shows how easy it is to develop and performance tune an app before publishing to AppUp. You can debug your app running on the Qt Simulator regardless of what tools you use, before putting on the device.

With V-tune you can identify where bottle necks are in your multithreaded apps.


Category: MeeGo, Video

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