

Qt Quick Shopping List App

| March 9, 2011 | 18 Replies

Here’s another interesting Qt project, a shopping list app, sent by Glenn. << can be downloaded

There are actually quite a few shopping list apps available already on Ovi Store. This caught my eye as it looks as clean as the one I’ve been recently using for Windows Phone (which I’d like to show you guys soon. Pretty simple but very useful. ).

ShoppingList is a QtQuick application that allows the user to manage his/her shopping lists in an orderly manner. The application logic and interface are sustained by JavaScript? and QML.

The functionality is pretty straightforward: one can add/delete a shopping list, add/remove and check/uncheck items in the list. Two measurement systems are available to choose from in the Settings screen.

Each list is identified by a short description, while each item in a list consists of a name, quantity and measuring unit. A sample list and several list items are pre-included to allow the user to get familiar with the functionality right away”

Shopping list apps help me actually get my grocery done in half the time as I’m not aimlessly wandering the isles for what I need. I’m not sure if this app will remove items you’ve ticked off the list and place them in “your basket” leaving you with “shelf” view of items you still need to get.


Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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