

Video: Unboxing of Nokia Astound C7-00_01

| March 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

Aaron from phonedog unboxes the Nokia Astound, aka US Nokia C7. Specs below:

Note the smaller, pink, T-Mobile packaging.

The comments in this video are very dismissive of Nokia/Symbian. Sheer ignorance? Jaded users? Most likely the former as many slate Symbian^3 without ever using it. Though it is sad to read comments from annoyed users and I can’t refute their comment because, yeah their annoyances, e.g. browser, are valid. Some other stuff though is just wrong/ignorant.

I pray and hope the new UI is super polished. Rumours circulating (from Non Nokia staff) say it’s very good. Plus – it should be even better with stronger hardware.

Remember S^3 was a stop gap and S^4 was the new UI that was supposed to change things. S^3 instead will get updates for the new UI as S^4 is no more. So far, S^3 has been the longest “quickfix” that hasn’t been doing Nokia any good in terms of “media perception”. Fingers crossed.


Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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