

Videos: Windows Phone 7 NoDo Update comparison test

| April 2, 2011 | 6 Replies

NoDo around 80% faster on this test (HD7) Or 46% reduction in load time from Pre-NoDo to NoDo. It varies per app tested. Last app tested was on second vid was 450% faster (5.5 times as fast)

has a couple of LG Optimus 7 Windows Phone 7 phones and compares the effect of NoDo against Pre-NoDo. Both phones are apparently clones of each other (content wise so there’s no difference caused by one having more apps/music/videos etc than the other.

For the most of it NoDo is loading things much faster. Since WP7 doesn’t have multitasking for 3rd party apps yet, they rely on “resuming” function to get back to that application. e.g. if you open up something else or even if the lock screen goes on – it has to kind of reload that application. Core apps like messaging and browser open up instantly. On some occasions the difference is negligible with PreNoDo finishing quicker.



This difference is exaggerated on the HTC HD7 where the apps are stored on a non-user-accessible (at least not intended anyway) memory card. Ignore the percentage marks as being 100% faster = twice as fast. 200% =/= twice as fast. That’s 3 times. Anyway. Not the same. But still, you can see in the seconds how much faster.

I would understand that it would be much better for the “resume” if it just multitasked to begin with. We’ll see what Mango delivers. On the upside, my WP7 experience has had virtually no crashes/freezing so far – except with the twitter app (it takes so long to get tweets I just use mobile web twitter). I don’t know what’s happened to my N8 but there are so many frequent hangs now. Might be all the beta stuff.


Category: Windows Phone

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