

Video: Symbian Apps on Android with Qt! Symbian SmartPhone/Android Tablet. (and Maemo/MeeGo)

| April 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

The power of Qt as a leveller – develop/port apps on Qt and have them on all Qt enabled devices. Be they running on Maemo, MeeGo, Symbian or Android (Also on any other device that can run Qt).

Furthermore, the folks at cutehacks shows how the same app runs not only on different operating systems, but different device types – smartphone/tablet (with all those extra pixels). These two apps, Fly and are native apps written on Symbian but were ported to Qt.

Using Qt for Android (more specifically Necessitas and Ministro), the amount of code changes we had to do were minimal. This shows the power of Qt – it truly is cross-platform.


And now on Maemo or MeeGo

Thanks to @chansearrington and Jim for the heads up.

Source: cutehacks



Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian, Video

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