

12-year-old Ovi Store developer: Fahma Waluya Romansyah

| April 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Have you heard of Fahma Waluya Romansyah? At just 12 years old, this little kid is the youngest Ovi Publisher to date, getting much media attention and awards/recognition for his applications: ENRICH, a mobile app for kids to easily translate the Indonesian language into English and learn the vocabulary, and MANTAP, a mathematics game app for kids ages four to seven.

I hope to see Fahma still creating apps distributed through Ovi Store 5 years from now.

Fahma’s success story from Forum Nokia:

Fahma’s sole source of inspiration is his younger sister, Hania, to whom he accredits the success of his apps. She also serves as the beta tester. The driving force behind Fahma’s interest in app development was to educate Hania and to entice her to learn while playing games on their mother’s mobile phone. Fahma says, “My mom’s mobile phone is my sister’s tutor. Similar to my sister, I suspected that other young children in Indonesia and around the world share a similar experience with their mobile devices.”

Fahma was awarded with the 2010 Indonesian ICT Award – in the Elementary School category – for his project titled “My Mom’s Cell Phone for My Sister’s Edugaming.”  Setting the bar high for the mobile developer industry, he has proven that he can compete with developers of all ages around the world.

Fahma, son of Dr.Yusep Romansyah and Yusi Elsiano, was born in Bandung, Indonesia in May of 1998. In the sixth grade, he developed and designed the ENRICH and MANTAP apps on his Nokia E71. He created these apps with the intention of providing children in Indonesia with a fun and engaging manner to learn to speak English and understand basic math.
In the fifth grade, Fahma learned to develop and create apps with Adobe Flash. Using this technology he created his very first app, BAHANA, which enables children to learn the alphabet, numbers and colors. Fahma’s technical capabilites shined through when he was in the fourth grade, where he began making presentations and animations using Microsoft Powerpoint.

As of May of last year, three of Fahma’s mobile apps were available on the market: BAHANA, ENRICH and MANTAP. Since the first day of its release in Ovi Store, within the first 10 days the ENRICH app was downloaded by consumers in more than 75 countries across the world.

While MANTAP is only availabe in Indonesia, Fahma has high hopes to someday develop more apps that are useful for children around the globe. Fahma enjoys spending his free time playing mobile games and creating new apps. He has proudly shared that he can develop an app, using Forum Nokia tools and technology, including Adobe Flash Lite, in less than 12 hours. Fahma has been interviewed by MetroTV for his mobile app creation success.

Parents are very supportive of educational apps designed for their children to use on their mobile phone devices. ENRICH offers innovative and interactive tools that teach Indonesian children the English vocabulary. The visual presentation of the app is astounding coming from a 12-year-old developer. This app even provides children with various categories including Vegetables, Furniture, Fruit, Our Body and Animals.

When selecting one of these categories, the app provides detailed information about the object, i.e. chair. With a click on the Indonesian button, the consumer will hear the word spoken in that language. Similarly, there is an English button that enunciates the word in the English language.

One reviewer wrote, “This application is superb.”

Forum Nokia via mobileperry



Category: Symbian

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