

RUMOURS :S: N8-01 specs – 14MP camera, qHD screen, 1650mAh battery

| April 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

A guy on twitterverse by the name of @jonjongoco, Neil Ross Goco, from Quezon City Philippines, claims to be in possession of (or at least access to) a N8-01 prototype.

First – who is @jonjongoco? Is this source reliable or just someone after making a short name for themselves/connected sites?

Well it’s enough to get the attention of Camb078 (and several others) who in conversation tweeted:

  • According to @jonjongoco , N8-01 has a 14Mpx Camera, 1GB RAM, 1650mAh battery, Dual-core processor and qHD screen (size?). Woah!

Digging through past tweets:

  • N8-01 here looks too much “prototype-ish”. More developments to do.
  • Looks better than N8-00. ( in reply to: @umarnagican you show us the picture or give an idea of how it looks)
  • No MeeGo phone for this year. Only Symbian^3 and Windows Phone. (This may be true given that Harmattan phone N950 has been mentioned to be coming out first. With possibility of MeeGo upgrade later. He’s quite sure of the Windows Phone release)
  • Yeah. Just wait for it. Can’t say too much info. You know what I mean. Nokia’s there, police too. 😉 (in reply to @dhruvbhutani: Alright.. thanks ! Hope to hear more soon 😛 Larger screen as well i hope ?)
  • Yeah. But not about the cpu speed. Probably 1GHz. But sure that is dual-core. (in reply to @camb078: are you sure of your N8-01 specs)
  • @WOMWorldNokia Thanks for the shirt guys. Very cool! 🙂 [Apparently in contact with WOMWorld. They don’t usually deal with time wasters. Unless there is no shirt.)
  • Not allowed in r&d labs. (in reply to @sirajsoft: mail me pic ;D)
  • Of course. 🙂 (in reply to @Dhruvbhutani: So i guess that the N8-01 also comes with Xenon Flash ?)
  • Don’t know too much about it. Maybe Q3 or Q4 2011. (speculating dates, in reply to @Dhruvbhutani Thats good news 🙂 Any ETA ? End of year ?)
  • Digging through more tweets:
  • Yeah. But N8-01 is the best among them. All parts anodized aluminum, 14MP cam, 1GB RAM, qHD 1/2

Again, who is @jonjongoco? Why is there a Nokia “r&d labs” in the Philippines? (@jonjongoco replies: I didn’t said a R&D labs is present here. :P_ It would be nice if it were true. I mean, qHD? There were some discussion of a nHD limitation in Symbian^3 (but E6 has VGA already).

Is it Symbian? or Windows Phone? Or Harmattan (MeeGo)?

This maybe nothing what so ever. One big great white shark of a lie. Or could be a sign of exciting thing to come (and there are supposed to be some good stuff on Nokia hardware front coming). Hmm. No more ARM 11 680MHz please.



Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Windows Phone

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