

Updates for Ovi Maps, Software Updater and Nokia bots at Nokia Beta Labs!

| April 14, 2011 | 0 Comments


Duncan and Adam sends in some news of many updates coming from Nokia beta labs! I think it’s mostly bug fixes.

On Ovi Maps, Duncan days:

Ovi maps is now 3.07. There is now a homescreen widget for the items that used to be in the menu. If you look at the first picture you can see the 5 new icons.

Change log:

*Open Maps, Drive, Check in and Guides with a just tap on your home screen.

*Search now includes a tab for favourites. Predictive search also works offline.

*Place pages have a new design including a new image gallery, user reviews, descriptions by business owners, leading guides and local content providers, e.g. TripAdvisor, HRS, Expedia additionally to Lonely Planet, Michelin guides, TimeOut, Qype and WCities.

*Easily change the map views in Drive navigation by tapping the views icon. You can pan the map to see the next move and explore the map within the route overview.
*Tap on Guides and immediately see the weather forecast for your location or another city.


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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