

Video:The most accurate indoor positioning technology….in the world. Starring Nokia N8

| April 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

We’ve seen Nokia present Indoor positioning before. Here’s a new video showing their take on indoor positioning.

“High Accuracy Indoor Positioning. The most accurate indoor positioning technology….in the world!

Note those positioning beacons that with your Nokia, result in a 30cm accuracy – “targeted services and routing right up to the shelf”.

It’s possible also maybe to link other devices, which as shown in this video, can notify you if  you’ve accidentally left it somewhere else. Being an airport, the guy was lucky security didn’t have this unattended bag destroyed.

  • Indoor positioning would be awesome at conferences – pick out from the list where you want to visit and be directed there.
  • A new mall/shop so you can save time buying and not walking around looking for that retailer.
  • Here at the airport that’s got its obvious uses. Get to check in/departures/connection gate. Don’t get lost and miss your flight! I still remember the mad dash across Boston airport with Rafe Blandford. This would have been cool. Thank goodness Rafe was there.
  • Since it has that 30cm accuracy, this could be useful even in familiar grocery stores (or general large stores) that will direct you to the isle or shelf that’s storing your stuff.

It’s just simulated screens for now (I think) though Nokia has already demoed this for real during Nokia World.

There’s no post yet from Nokia Conversations, but I’m sure there will be. Video below.


Category: Nokia, Video

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