

Angry Birds using NFC to unlock levels

| April 20, 2011 | 0 Comments

If you missed it yesterday, Nokia Conversations reported on NFC enabled Angry Birds. Find another user (currently any C7) with the game and you can unlock levels. If that’s too difficult an occurrence, there are other ways to unlock, via NFC tags. These maybe embedded in items/objects.

Five of the levels are as normal. But at that point you need to find a friend with an NFC-enabled phone, as the remaining levels are inter-spliced with ones that can only be unlocked when you touch phones with someone else. Finding one friend will unlock five more levels. A second friend will unlock another five, and a third the remaining five.

Imagine the possibility of NFC enabled games. They could entice users to come into stores, every entry = 1 level per week (or something else that could motivate people enough to go to your store)


Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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