

Video: Angry Monsters — First App in Forum Nokia Projects for Windows Phone

| May 8, 2011 | 0 Comments

Remember Tommi Laukanen and Son with their Doodle Drive Game?

In similar strides, Tero Paanen and his sons create Angry Monsters. An Angry Birds esque project for Windows Phone. Catapult, aim, throw, bricks come crashing down and kills/maims/startles said enemy. There’s a tiny difference in that you can pick up that thing you throw and throw it again from where it dropped.

This was to demo Windows Phone 7 XNA Game Framework and Box2D.

My sons Luukas 6 years and Matias 10 years are Angry Birds fans and asked me often to implement own game to them. Finally I approve and there it is going. My sons drew all graphics for the game. We decided to change target of this Box2D demo to Angry Birds style of game named Angry Monsters. I have heard that Rovio’s Angry Birds uses also Box2D physics engine.

Current demo version have only one static level. I have started to implement level editor for to 2.0 version, boys would like to design/draw their own levels.


Category: Applications, Games, Windows Phone

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