

Gallery: Nokia N9 MeeGo UI Screenshots?

| May 20, 2011 | 0 Comments


In the N9 video we saw little glimpses of the UI in action. A dominant part was the way gestures, particularly side swipe was implemented as part of the navigation of the user interface.

We can very briefly see some other things in the video.

Below is the contacts screen. Look at the squircle/Anna-Belle style icons in thumbnails.


Calendar. We have a split calendar and agenda view

Here’s some kind of web video.Or it might be youtube. You can see a mish mash of channel 4 (Inbetweeners, Face Jacker) and Channel 5 (Home and Away) programmes as well as “video collection” possibly of your own videos . You can see 3 dots that suggests you can wipe right for more.

This might be the phone dialler.

Conversation/Messages view

– little arrows showing incoming/new messages

Another view:

Threaded SMS

The Web Browser:

URL bar at the top



This might be facebook

This is definitely facebook (contacts at the side)

Seen already, the on screen QWERTY

Another seen before, is this email?

Photo Gallery

Gallery Toolbar

The Maemo Style Grid Multitask View – Dunno if this supports the MeeGo pinch zoom from linear carousel to this grid state.

And last of course the menu

I don’t know if this is what we can expect from MeeGo. There were concerns about the age of this video. e.g. The facebook page notes an event that took place in 2010. The Calendar shows January 2010 and there’s an event in email that’s supposedly 2010 too. The company that shot this tweeted earlier this month that they’d be filming the N950. When the teaser was leaked, they seemed somewhat surprised the N9/N950 was already circulating – and that this was 1 of 2 spots they shot.

That topic is somewhat already discussed in this other post.

If it is old there might be changes. If not, this is what we might come to expect. Nokia stated yesterday that they’ll reveal more in the COMING WEEKS.

We can’t wait to show you more – maybe a sneak peek at “Jessie’s Girl” – in the weeks to come

Jessie’s Girl is of course the song to the N9 teaser. And no doubt that they are talking about that reaser since that’s the first thing mentioned in the post

Just a couple of days ago, a whole fresh crop appeared on a number of websites regarding a new mystery device. But it should be no surprise that new things are in the wings somewhere.

Is what we saw the new thing?


Category: Nokia

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