

Soundtrckr updated to v1.4 – now with progressive download

| June 6, 2011 | 1 Reply

Nokia Beta Labs tweets that Soundtrckr has received an update available today to version 1.4 (that’s NOT the screenshot above)

A new version of Soundtracker Radio has been released here at Nokia Beta Labs for you to try out.  Formerly called Soundtrckr, the app has a new name and new graphics to boot.

“We are happy to share with you this 1.4 release that dramatically improves the musical experience by bringing progressive download to both S^3 and S60 5th Edition devices,” says Daniele Calabrese, Founder and CEO of Soundtracker.

The team recommends removing previous installations before upating to this version.  Also, if you’re phone runs on S60 5th edition, first install Java Runtime 2.1 beta for the best experience.



Category: Applications

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