

“If you like Android then you’ll love Belle…”

| June 20, 2011 | 56 Replies

A very cool guy, Chris Davies from SlashGear has some interesting Nokia snippets. The SlashGear team recently met up with the Nokia UK Team (was this for that BBQ last week? I couldn’t go as I had stuff to sort out in Manchester – hence why I couldn’t go to the #NokiaGulp thing, fortunately covered brilliantly instead by Sergejs) who seem to be adequately open enough to give us some food for thought.

There’s some very positive things that SlashGear folks came out with – Nokia learning lessons from Apple, becoming a threat to HTC and Symbian going out with a bang.

  • New levels of secrecy (preventing early unjustified scathing ‘reviews’ of unfinished products), reduced cycle development time, understanding the importance of getting first windows phone launch right (not just important, it’s absolutely critical)
  • Promise to make Belle more competitive, “oh, if you like Android then you’ll love Belle“. (Hmm, ok, we’ll see, Nokia. It may be that great but can you deliver it quickly enough? No 5 years from now is not ideal)
  • One Nokian was longing that Nokia could build the same hype around Windows Phone as Apple does with iPhone (is that possible? No other man possesses Jobsian powers of reality distortion except Jobs himself. Though with the eyes of the techworld on Nokia to deliver the product that moves them away from their world-ruling Symbian, they have to drum up the biggest hype they can muster, which hopefully is backed by a significantly decent enough device for 2011)

Nothing mentioned about Harmattan/MeeGo or newer S40 devices (though not too long to possibly hear about them…Tomorrow is already June 21st!). Then again as Chris notes, the Nokia folks were pretty tight lipped on everything, and even having this teaser info is quite a lot. Chris also notes some intrinsic Nokia appeal that is vital for Windows Phone success – the brand recognition – which in majority of markets is still very strong.


Cheers mprince for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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