

Poll: Black, Blue or Pink Nokia N9? (What about Nokia N9 in White?)

| June 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

[polldaddy poll=5165150]

Check out that 99 photo gallery again of the N9 if you need some help deciding 🙂

Michael Hell's N9 99 photo gallery


Someone with eagle eyes has spotted the N9 in white. Currently it comes in Black, Blue (Cyan) and Pink (Magenta).

Not sure where it’s from, this is the link I got. Is it a screenshot from a video? On the side up top right you see above the pink N9 a white one. Could it be a case?

On the laptop screen, you can see the pink and black sandwiching a different colour N9 that is NOT blue.

ALSO note however the button placements, this must be an older version as we’ve got a camera button there it seems.

Cheers for the tip, Jim.


Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries

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