

Making apps for Nokia’s Next Billion – S40 – prize total worth up to €1,000,000 – win trip to Nokia World 2011

| June 29, 2011 | 8 Replies



Nokia has a new initiative/competition called “Create 4 millions” (though banner says Series 40 millions)

S40 counts for over a third of Nokia’s 6 million daily downloads. Over 2 million – just with S40.

There are two parts to this, a little bit like what we saw last year with the N8 make my app thingy.

Create 4 Millions


Submit idea for S40 app that adds value and depth to the lives of people, especially for those in emerging markets.

Three main categories

  • Health & Education
  • Social Networking & Location
  • Games & Infotainment.

If your idea is already posted, you can vote, comment or even collaborate with that person. The three winning ideas will be invited to Nokia World 2011 in London


Nokia Developer asks you developers out there to submit an app. You could win prizes up to a total of €1,000,000.

App categories encouraged are:

  • In the Know
  • Fun & Games
  • Emotional Closeness
  • Access to Knowledge.

Again, the focus is creating an app with real value that will enrich people’s lives, particularly in emerging markets.

There are also some “special” prizes

For people up for a real challenge, special prizes will be awarded to apps that showcase the best use of Nokia’s Maps and location APIs; the best touch feature in an app; and the best overall app for a Series 40 mobile phone.

Here’s a video. I think filmed in the 1980s. Prize here of a new Nokia dual sim device. Yaay…er..what?

This may be an additional push to supercharge S40. Remember that Qt will have an important role in the next billion. Maybe we’ll see the rumoured 1GHz S40 at Nokia World :p


Category: Nokia

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