

Symbian Anna for N8 Leaked? Try at own risk.

| July 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

We’re hearing that Symbian Anna has been leaked somewhere. A Bulgarian forum (Symbian Modders)  shows updated N8 with Symbian Anna, software version from July 5th.

If you can’t wait till August, you can give this a go, but I highly recommend against it. It may void your warranty should you put unofficial release/official release by unofficial method.

Cheers Vlado and Gendou


Dinesh here again from Nokia’s Communications team.

As you have correctly pointed out in your post, the software is a leak – of a test version, and hence, not the final version. We’d advise readers against downloading it as could cause disruptions in the proper functioning of their Nokia smartphones as well as getting future updates.

More importantly, if your phones require attention from Nokia Care and it is found that the software has been tampered with, your purchase warranty could be null and void.

Just hang in there everyone. The proper software will be available for download by the end of next month.


Category: Firmware Update, Nokia, Symbian

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