

Symbian Belle again on E7?

| July 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

These two images are apparently Symbian Belle on the E7.

It looks a lot like Windows Phone lock screen. If by look like we mean wallpaper, clock, date, status bar and notifications (arguably generic – MeeGo Harmattan may be a better comparison – though I do love what they did with notifications on lock screen.). It’s posted on the same site that initially reported the leaked Anna.


The clock finally isn’t 2:18 and has at least changed in between these photos.  I do wish WP had Symbian’s always on clock when AMOLED screen is locked.

Some have mentioned that although Anna has taken quite a while to reach us, Belle might not take as long. Let’s hope they’re right.


Source: symbian-modders

Cheers Andre Nuansa and Blackidea


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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