

Windows Phone “Mango” – Released to Manufacturing

| July 27, 2011 | 0 Comments

There were news that this was already the case last week, but that was quickly retracted. However, official Windows Phone blog states that this is now the case. The 500 feature Mango Update has been signed off on release to manufacturing by the Windows Phone development team.

This shows at least on the Microsoft side, they’re keeping up the deal of possibly delivering this update on time. So it’s down to Nokia to make sure we bloody well get Windows Phone by Q4. There’s already speculations that Nokia’s competing WP manufacturers are bringing out handsets as soon as August. Wasn’t there Mango phone just launched in the past few hours?

After Mango – the major 2011 release, Tango and Apollo are expected in 2012.  It’s possibly within the 2012 Mango Nokia phones that we’ll see the Nokia Stamp in Windows Phones. This possibly in both hardware and software (really high end devices, now Nokia has had the time to develop them, and maybe hints of Swipe?)

Then, it might not be until Tango or Apollo that Bing and Nokia maps unite to bring Nokia’s navigation powers to ALL Windows Phone devices.


Thanks for the tip,  meh.



Category: Windows Phone

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