

4Squick foursquare app available for MeeGo-Harmattan

| August 6, 2011 | 6 Replies

For Symbian. Similar UI for MeeGo-Harmattan


The folks at foursquick have got their hands on the N950 and have produced a version for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan. Appearance wise, their app already looked fit for MeeGo-Harmattan.

Some known issues:

  • Ui is directly from Symbian^3 build so buttons are a bit small, there is a lot of white space on the Ui. Google Maps also gives only 640×640 map tiles, so Venue Map page is not.. perfect.
  • Do not use the custom Pure Font 4squick provides, switch it off.
They also tweeted the following start up times from icon click to ready venue list (all with WiFi):
  • N950 – 6 seconds
  • N8 – 38 seconds
  • N97 Mini – 43 seconds

If you are some how in ownership of either a N9 or N950 (I’m more confuzzled with folks who have N9 right now :p) then you can Download 4squick for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan
(version 0.8008, Harmattan, deb, 393 KB)

Cheers for the tip, Neil!


Category: Applications, Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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