

Rumours: Luxury mobile brand, Vertu with Windows Phone?

| August 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

Vertu is pure luxury brand of mobile phones, and is a subsidiary of Nokia. The materials and concierge service make them unreachable for many.  One of my obscenely rich housemates in uni really wanted one of these, despite the platform in use not being all that exciting (it wasn’t even Symbian then) it was interesting because it was unattainable for the general public.

As @UVStaska tweeted, Vertu did begin warming up to Symbian, with a E72 version pretty much in Vertu styling (Vertu Constellation Quest). You might think of Nokia Oro as luxury Symbian but that’s part of Nokia line up (and no where near the level of Vertu class devices anyway). Not that folks with that amount of money to spend on blinged out devices would need a smartphone platform anyway (being priced in the thousands, some tens of thousands, and the most expensive in the hundres of thousands GBP).

Staska wondered what’s going to happen to Vertu with Symbian making its way out. Vlad from Engadget once mentioned before that the N9 in black was so exquisite it should be part of the Vertu line up. Rumours are suggesting Vertu might appear with Windows Phone.

Never heard of Vertu with touch. What will it do with no buttons to deck in gold? I guess Windows Phone would be a good choice to put in Vertu. Simple, stable, fast, solid core smartphone features. (No, I doubt these would be the drag and drop, connecting to a laptop for wired modem mode type people).

Have you ever seen (or gosh, owned?) a Vertu handset in real life?

By rumours, WMPU and Uswitch who both cite Eldar.


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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