

Videos: MeeGo Harmattan Nokia N9/N950 Games – I Must Run, Draw Slasher and Doodle Fit

| August 24, 2011 | 0 Comments




Let’s take a look at some game demoes by , demoed for us by none other than zehjotkah from

The first is I Must Run, a simple but highly addictive game that is available on Ovi Store for Symbian^3 handsets.  


For me, the higher resolution 480×854 looks much more pleasant than 360×640.

The next one is Draw Slasher.

It’s a bit like fruit ninja – the slashing of stuff bit – but a little more gory. I love it. Is there a Kill Bill version? I think that would really fly. Just fighting Crazy 88s, O-Ren and co.

Last we have Doodle Fit.

This is like tetris but instead of making those shapes fill a line, you fill a shape. Sort of.














Category: Applications, Gestures, Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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