

My Dream Nokia #31: Nokia 902 MeeGo Concept

| August 29, 2011 | 0 Comments

Just after I wrote the first My Dream Nokia post today, by coincidence, shihuzaan who has also made some great Nokia concept designs has produced something that I found to be very eye catching.

The shape reminds me somewhat of the X7/that concept windows phone. This however is powered by MeeGo – and it looks to have the vanilla version. This is called the Nokia 902, like #30, this is also in the new 9XXX league, but possibly fits that category a little bit more due to the more current large screen design.

Here are the specifications. Pretty standard affair.

  • meego
  • 12 mp carl zeiss  AF
  • high resolution
  • 1.2 Ghz dual core + graphics
Check out other Dream Nokias in the series.

Here’s the back

I think this looks better than the X7

Side profile

The thickness is very realistic. Anything under 10mm is great (possibly over 6mm as I find that would be too slim).

About “My Dream Nokia”

I’m sure you’ve dreamt up your PERFECT Nokia device/UI. What it would look like, what it would feel like, what features it would have. Why don’t you share it with the world? Or at least with other Nokia fans :D .

It could be your own photoshopped or rendered work (seriously, you don’t need mega skills in either, basic paint job is often enough to convey a concept) of your dream product.

SEND this in similarly to with the title “My Dream Nokia” and perhaps the model number (and a little description, maybe a few specs in the message area? Though this bit not necessary).

Who knows, maybe an image might flutter over to Nokia and through whatever route end up being real.


Category: Concept, Dream Nokia, MeeGo, Nokia

About the Author ()

Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]