

Rumours: Picture of Nokia 703 Windows Phone Mango (Looks like Nokia N9/Sea Ray). Available November

| August 31, 2011 | 0 Comments


Yesterday we heard about a possibly Nokia 703 Windows Phone handset. Whilst there were some concerns by our readers that the 703 in this instance could just be a modified device UID, WMPU was sent an image of possibly that same device, which looks like the Sea-Ray with camera and front buttons (that in turn looks like the N9).

Unlike the expected 3.9″ screen of SeaRay (thus to be the same as N9) this has a 3.7″ screen (unless, SeaRay never had an identical screen size).


  • 8GB Storage, and 512MB RAM, on par with the other 7XX in Nokia’s line up.
  • 800X480 resolution.
  • 5MP AF, 720P at 30FPS (SeaRay has 8MP. This is a different phone)
  • Dimensions and weight is somewhat hard to read. As reference N9 is 116.45 x 61.2 x 7.6-12.1mm, 135g)
  • No lock button on right side (as with SeaRay) perhaps it is on the left.
Source: wmpoweruser
Cheers Just Visiting  and Anastasios-Antonios  for the tip!
Btw I didn’t get around to posting about this yesterday when you folks tipped it and probably won’t. But here’s the link to share anyway. This suggests confirmation of the N9 design in SeaRay and possibly more.
“Anyone interested in the look and feel of Nokia’s future handset design should examine the N9 launched in June—the first smartphone to replace the traditional home button with a swipe of the hand. It is made from a colorful polycarbonate material and although it appears rectangular, it has a curved glass screen.”



Category: Mango, Nokia, Rumours, Windows Phone

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