

Create the Next Nokia tune and win 10,000USD (5 x 1K USD for runner ups)

| September 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

The Nokia Ringtone is unquestionably the most well known ringtone in the WORLD. Even with the state Nokia it’s in now, the Nokia tune is still world known, changing from the melodic beep, to polyphonic, to mp3 piano versions (wasn’t there a guitar one too?). You’ll also hear it often in public because Nokia seems to be one of the few brands remaining where people still make phone calls :p. Nokia tunes are sometimes so popular, in films you’ll hear non-Nokia phones sound like them (either SMS or in call).

Check out Conan O’Brien’s Nokia Ringtone song in devotion to Finland.

Also Check out this epic Nokia Ringtones drum solo


Oh here is a post we did about what ringtones our readers use

Nokia Conversations is asking you guys to create the next Nokia Ringtone for a select new bunch of Nokia Phones coming out in 2012. (They better still have the original Nokia tune!). Nokia says this means your winning entry could be on some 100 Million devices. This tells you exactly what type of devices those are, huh?

There’s 10,000USD up for grabs for the winning tune.

Update: Oh here’s a video as noted by kunwar.

To enter, you have to register yourself at to submit your tune. You can also cast your vote for your favourite tune. Deadline is October 2, 2011 which the countdown says is about 27 days away.

Nokia Tune is one of world’s most recognized audio brand assets and is estimated to be heard over one billion times a day. Nokia is launching a global crowdsourcing campaign to find a fresh version of the Nokia Tune. This is the first time Nokia is inviting people to work with the iconic tune with the winning tune to be placed next to the standard Nokia Tune in a selection of the company 2012 product portfolio. The tune should be fresh, expressive, original, creative yet distinctively a Nokia Tune. All collaborations are welcome. Learn more.

Ringtone preferences for me are:

  • Not annoying
  • Caters to the phone’s speakers well (no drum and bass unfortunately.)
  • No vocal (if I use a song, I pick the instrumental bits)
  • Loud

But that doesn’t matter as I’m not the one judging. The five top voted entries are immediately finalists.

A panel of judges picks 5 more people and then make the deciding vote on the top prize ringtone that receives $10,000. 5 runner ups will also have their ringtone published to Ovi Store, and for this, they get $1000 each.

The Judges:

  • Kai Bronner - one of the founders of Audio Branding Academy;
  • Julian Treasure - known for his TED talks and author of ‘Sound Business’
  • Mark Dewings - head of Brand & Marketing Communications at SoundCloud
  • THE Marko Ahtisaari (I love this guy. You should too) -  Nokia’s SVP of Design – the guy who showed us the N9
  • Super8 & Tab - worldwide renown DJ and electronic music production duo who are ranked in the DJ Mag’s Top 100 of most popular DJs
  • Andrew Higginsa–  jury member from the AudioDraft community who has won 12 AudioDraft contests
  • Tommi Koskinen is the Community Manager at AudioDraft.

Source: Nokia Conversations / wmpoweruser


Here’s some videos for inspiration

Thanks Bas and mrprince for the tip!



Category: Competition, Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]