

Nokia Sleeping Screen Updated: Install away from C drive to save space

| September 7, 2011 | 11 Replies

Yash from zomgitscj reports that Nokia Beta Labs have released an update for their popular Sleep Screen App. You can now thankfully install it anywhere, which means AVOIDING C:Drive which is positively anaemic.

Disk space is also saved as your own sleep screen images are compressed.

  • Nokia Sleeping Screen can now be installed on any drive. We recommend “Mass memory” so that it does not occupy valuable C: drive space.
  • User-created images are now compressed when saved to the installation drive. This too saves on disk space.
  • Added error texts in Settings UI if Qt Quick Components are missing or out-of-date.
  • Bug fixes in 2nd clock-only theme (the so-called “Tron clock” with blue animated rays)
Source: zomgitscj 

Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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