

Video: Windows Phone’s Tango video calling on Mango

| September 17, 2011 | 20 Replies

First, this is a different Tango. Not the post Mango update, but an application for Video calling on Windows Phone.

This is to show the front facing camera in action. The video is nicely done in full screen. Expect to have this functionality embedded into Windows Phone when skype becomes fully integrated.

Front facing cameras seem to be “all the rage” since iPhone’s FaceTime ‘reinvented’ the video calling feature. Both by the way that mundane things Apple get around to putting in make ignorant folk think they invented it, and also by their admirable nature of polishing features to make it much easier and better for average folks to use. Here, they took the much forgotten phone video calling, jazzed it up with a stupid name called FaceTime, and genuinely did make it simple to use. I know Symbian has video calling over 3G, but the quality is terrible and the controls are difficult (options>use secondary camera. Nope, just tap).  There’s also no full screen video or higher quality video over skype. Only N900 really changed it up a little, but as we know, that amazing phone never did get the love and development it deserved.

Cheers @ezzyboy for the tip.


Category: Applications, Nokia, Windows Phone

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