

Video: One Direction and Nokia launch C3 and C2-02 – clever brand connection by Nokia

| September 19, 2011 | 0 Comments


In a somewhat utterly smart move, Nokia UK have got the latest teen obsession in the UK, “One Direction” to launch the Nokia C3 and Nokia C2-02 (lower-end, more youth centric phones).

If you’re not from the UK, One Direction is a teenage boy band formed on X-Factor. They have an unquestionable and to most guys an extremely perplexing mass teenage girl appeal which has supreme power on the internet and commercially in general. Whether you love, detest or are indifferent to their music, you can’t deny how well these folks are managed and how well they understand their own audience (teen girls). I’ve joked around before that Nokia should harness such powers and collaborate with that other boyband full of Disney kids (I forgot their name) and Justin Bieber. With the latter person, his name was always a trending topic daily until Twitter forcibly decided to filter it.

Point is, these people have clout. It’s important to know who these people are and if you can, connect with them to promote your products.

Nokia should get these guys to promote their new Windows Phone too as that’s sort of Nokia’s new one direction – the Microsoft way :p. On a serious note, if Nokia can get these guys to say “go check out this phone” there’ll be loads of teenagers using it. I mean just look at the comments on the video.


The Nokia UK page rarely gets comments on videos. Would they even have found it with out “One Direction” in the name tag? More of this please, not just with this band of course. With other up and comings.



Category: Nokia, Video

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