

Full Touch Vertu Constellation T – nHD suggests Symbian and Not Windows Phone (as MrE suggested)

| October 4, 2011 | 0 Comments

The above is the Vertu Constellation T. Vertu – a Nokia subsidiary for uber luxury phones, was rumoured to be making a touch screen phone with Windows Phone, according to Eldar. But the nHD(16:9) display suggests otherwise (and now with Belle, it’s actually getting there with software as it is on the whole luxury hardware).

  • pentaband HSPA radio
  • 8-megapixel camera with dual LED flash
  • 32GB of onboard storage
  • 3.5-inch nHD AMOLED display
Bloomberg reports that despite the economy and Nokia’s situation, Vertu is apparently still a success. Folks who really are rich want Vertu, not an iPhone.
Sources: TIMN,  Bluetooth SIG, Bloomberg via  dgui 

Category: Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone

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