

Nokia 800 Advert: Nokia Sun #windowsphone #SeaRay

| October 10, 2011 | 34 Replies

Been stuck in lectures so wasn’t able to post your tips. Phew. What you’re looking at is apparently the first Nokia 800 Advert. The Nokia 800 might be the Nokia Sun which we’ve seen mentioned before.

This images appear on pocketnow – these guys seem to end up with a lot of Nokia promos before launch for some reason.

Other things to tick off now is Sabre and Ace. SeaRay is possibly the 800. This has the appearance of SeaRay + the 8MP camera. What’s interesting is that in the image below, there’s a bettery icon on the left. That’s supposed to be on the right. Being a Nokia ad though, they’re often prone to mistakes.

Cheers Just Visiting, AmmAR, Realtechie, meh and Asdin for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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