

Video: Nokia 800 Windows Phone UK TV Teaser ads (1080p)

| October 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Here’s another look at those Nokia 800 adverts that have been appearing on UK TV adverts. This is quite something. The phone isn’t even announced yet, but we’re seeing it on TV. It will be announced in a few days. The crunch will be, “when will it be available?”. Has Nokia ever put up adverts for a phone you couldn’t buy for a while before?

The ads are short second long clips inserted between other TV adverts, just showing a little bit to tease. David first tipped in, mentioning a sighting at X-factor USA. These ads then appeared live on TV at prime time Harry Hill’s TV Burp (it’s a popular show here) as well as X-factor UK. I chopped out the non Nokia ads. It’s a teaser. It’s not supposed to reveal too much. Check out the 10 second clip below.

You’ll see again the coloured tiles, the Windows buttons and the centrally placed Nokia SeaRay LED.

Have you seen the ad yet on TV where you are?

Now the Nokia 800/SeaRay essentially looks like the Nokia N9 on the outside (albeit differences with having keys at the front). The N9 was heralded by Engadget as the most beautiful phone ever made. Hopefully some of that appeal rubs off at least on the the hardware and external aesthetics of the phone.

lol, the video recording is 1080p but the source is not. It’s barely standard definition. Anywhoo, let’s call that a 1080p test of the Canon 60D :P.

Here’s what it looked like unedited (this is the TV Burp one, the X factor advert was muuch longer and would have taken 4 hours to upload)


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Category: Nokia, Video, Windows Phone

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