

Try out a Nokia Lumia today (sort of), without even leaving your house

| October 27, 2011 | 0 Comments

Nokia isn’t holding back in promoting the heck out of their new Lumia line of phones. Subliminal style messages in the days leading up to Nokia World, some pretty great ad’s and a whole host of committed retailers to help boost the sales of the line.

While looking through the tips we received the last few days I came across an app that lets you run a very scaled down version of a Nokia Lumia on your Symbian powered device. It isn’t a very elaborate thing, there are just a few things you can do with it. The most striking thing is that it is probably the smoothest thing on my entire N8. (a little tongue in cheek there)

Functionality is poor as said, but it gives you a good feel as to how Windows Phone works albeit in a very minimal way. There is apparantly something hiding in the app which I haven’t ‘unlocked’ yet. With everything you open there is a drop down message that says 2/8, 3/8 etc. What happens when you get 8/8 I can’t tell, I missed one thing and thus haven’t got further than 7/8 so far.

It isn’t the most functional app out there, but for those who never seen WP and have become curious as to see what it is, just look it up in the OVI, no, Nokia Store and look for Nokia Lumia 800 or just follow this link to go there directly.


Thanks to whoever tipped this, I’m sorry but I can’t find your comment in the tips section anymore. If you tipped this, just shout out in the comments below and I’ll edit the post accordingly.


Category: Nokia

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