

Nokia Lumia 800 Battery Saver mode

| October 31, 2011 | 0 Comments

Varun pointed out a feature in settings he says he had not noticed on his other Mango device. I think this is a standard in Mango (not yet on that cos Samsung updates are quite slow).

Anyway, this is a little bit like the battery saver mode on Symbian that allows you to score a little bit more juice from your device.

Zooming in a bit, you’ll note a predicted 2 hour gain at 48% battery, suggesting 12 hours. It also tells me when I last charged the phone. This was during a mini Q&A where I charged it for about 10 minutes. BTW it charges MUUUCH faster than my Omnia 7 which takes forever to charge. I look forward to actually testing the battery life.

  • Emails are moved to manual mode
  • Applications will not run in the background
  • I think oddly, brightness stays the same (perhaps it should be like in Symbian where it possibly switches to 2G, turns off BT, maybe WiFi to really save more battery. Not sure if this is the only thing battery saver changes)

Is there a quick way to turn this on other than settings? I wasn’t playing with it long enough to notice (like a lot of stuff folks don’t notice with WP, e.g. volume having music player and profile keys)


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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