

Nokia Lumia 800 Reviews from Gizmodo, Engadget, SlashGear, Winrumours, ElectricPig, ExpertReviews,

| November 4, 2011 | 41 Replies

Right let’s do this. Normally, such a thing would normally deserve their own individual posts, but somehow, merely days from announcement, all the reviews for the Nokia Lumia 800 is out already, beginning with TheVerge as posted yesterday. And doing some more searches, I’m amazed how much more is actually available. If I miss any Lumia 800 Reviews, do let us know.

. Well, Nokia are certainly getting it out quick. It’s the first Nokia flagship (I cautiously label this as that, as well, it’s not really in my eyes) that is out within 6 months of announcement. It’s fantastic. Here’s the phone, here’s some hype, if you got excited, it’s on sale now. Done. More of the same please (but with 9 series).

The timing of these reviews is absolutely superb. There’s no drips and drabs. It’s one overwhelming, Lumia 800 everything everywhere.

Here’s the reviews:

  • Nokia’s pretty legendary for their hardware.  Lumia 800 is cut from the same cloth.
  • No match for the N8′s camera prowess, for its diminutive size it produces pretty good photos that are on par, or better than most other smartphones
  • there’s not actually a whole lot to dislike about the Nokia Lumia 800.
  • great start for Nokia
  • With MWC just around the corner, we’re expecting to see a lot more from the Finns, and hopefully a true flagship. (YES, YES AND YES AGAIN)
  • Nokia’s made one of the best Windows Phones available today.
  • It looks and feels different to not just other Windows Phones, but every other phone on the market. Except the N9, obviously.
  • Nokia’s Lumia 800 is a sophisticated and capable smartphone that melds its hardware beautifully with the Windows Phone OS
  • Nokia’s unibody style is no less appealing second time around
  • Comparisons to MeeGo and the N9 are obvious, but futile: one phone represents Nokia’s future, and the other does not.
  •  far more app choice and the reassurance that the platform is unlikely to disappear any time soon.
  • It’s the first foray of what will be a far longer battle, but with the Lumia 800 Nokia is off to a very strong start.
  • “ Nokia Lumia 800 is the best looking Windows Phone 7.5 smartphone on the market right now.”
  • “ The device is super fast and moving between Microsoft’s various Windows Phone hubs is a breeze. If you’re a current Windows Phone user then you’ll notice this performance jump.”
  • Nokia Lumia 800 is so superbly built
  • Think of it this way: what services, not apps, do you need on your phone?…for the Lumia 800, for the services I need, rather than want, I think I can put up with that.
  • Welcome back, Nokia.
Expert Reviews:
  • Best WP7 handset so far

Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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