

Nokia Lumia 800 sells out at ThePhoneHouse, Netherlands

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Another bout of good news for Nokia Lumia sales – the Nokia Lumia 800 was apparently sold out at the Phone House in Netherlands. The Phone House is the largest mobile retailer in the whole of Europe, and even before it was available on sale, the Nokia Lumia 800 already topped the sales chart for Phone House in France.

I think our own Harangue bought a Lumia 800 from the Netherlands. Hopefully I’ll be getting mine some time next week :D. Also hearing anecdotes about certain networks depleting their stock of Nokia Lumia 800 but not enough to go on to say it’s something definite.

The fact that my non techie friends are even aware of it because of all the ads says a lot about how well Nokia has awarded the Nokia Lumia the public recognition Nokia phones deserve.

Source: WMPU

Cheers Edmund for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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