

Lumiappaday #1: Amazon Kindle demoed on Nokia Lumia 800

| November 22, 2011 | 19 Replies

I’ve been waiting to share these apps with you guys for a long time. Since February I’ve been enjoying a lot of great quality apps but I put off reviewing them as I only wanted to show them Nokia hardware (so Nokia users can see exactly if it will run and how it will perform).

Since there are a lot of apps, I’m going to do a segment called Lumiappaday – where every day, we’ll be demoing at least one Windows Phone app for the Nokia Lumia. You may already be aware of these apps, you might not. There’s no particular order to what I’m showing. I’m really happy with WP Market Place as there’s always great quality apps to download. (Obviously Apple app store or Android Market is not possible on the Nokia Lumia handsets so there’s no point bringing that to the discussion).

You can see all future Lumiappaday posts with this tag: Lumiappaday

The first app I’ll show you is a demo of Amazon Kindle app. If you love reading books, you’ll love Amazon Kindle.

#1 Amazon Kindle.

Price: Free



In this video you’ll see:

  • Installing apps from market place. Just find the app through search, (maybe check out details/reviews/screenshots) and click install. You’ll be directed to your applist and see the application install bar.
  • If you’ve used Kindle before, your books will be downloaded to archive. Once they’re there you don’t have to redownload them.
  • You can buy books directly from the kindle bookshop. Classics are free.
  • Where ever you access Kindle, it will sync up to where you last left.
  • Panoramic UI blends into the Lumia 800’s curved edges.
Page Controls:
  • Swipe between pages or tap at the left or right edge (I might have said something else by mistake in the video)
  • Tap in middle brings up options. You can change font size, screen brightness and the colour of the background (from white, to sepia, to a AMOLED-battery-friendly black).
  • Read either in landscape or portrait. It rotates 270 degrees. You might have a problem reading portrait if lying sideways in bed.

Rating: 8.75/10

Design: 8 (Looks like a great app, perhaps the store could have been given the same metro treatment?)
Usability: 8 (very easy to use the actual book itself. Downloading books is simple enough as well as managing your library. Not a 10 because the book store could be a little more in tune with Metro. When you ‘multitask’ and return, it will take half a second 1 second to resume as it tries to resync )
Performance: 9 (fast, reliable, does not crash, though you would need internet connection to sync up your books and if that’s slow it might take a while)
Price: 10 (Free 😀 Well the apps are and most books)
Conclusion: Must have install.

(I’m still working out what the format should be)



Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]